Special Appeal
We need your help!
*Donations to our Scholarship Program keep us solvent.
*Our Unique Scholarship Program Encourages Character Building!
*Scholarships are a way to support many motivated students – students who make the effort to develop good study habits, maintain good citizenship, are willing to volunteer for service projects, and help tutor younger kids.
Donate By Mail
Checks payable to:
Christ the King School
16800 Trinity Ave,
Detroit, MI 48219
Donate to support tuition expenses for our students.
All families are offered a sliding-scale tuition rate based on their individual circumstances and ability to pay. Your contribution makes this possible by offsetting the remaining cost of a student’s education.
Capital Campaign
Christ the King school opened on September 12, 1938, but the classrooms were not finished. Classes met in the four corners of the gymnasium. In the years since, we have added on new wings and seen thousands of students pass through our halls, striving to meet the needs and nurture the abilities of each one.
In the 2018-2019 school year, we celebrated 80 years of our school teaching and learning in Northwest Detroit. Donate to our capital campaign to support the various needs of school maintenance and education expenses as we ensure that this legacy continues.
Margaret Pic-Kell Award
Mrs. Margaret Pic-Kell was a teacher and principal at Christ the King School from 1973 until her death in 1999. Her hard work, dedication to her students, and passion for providing high-quality education made a difference at Christ the King School and in the CK community.
It is in this spirit of her memory that this fund was created. The fund awards grants to current Christ the King students who are entering grades 2-8 and model leadership, citizenship, service to others, and academic excellence.
We appreciate your support in keeping Mrs. Pic-Kell’s legacy alive at Christ the King.
There are several ways that you, family and friends can support our school. These no-cost fundraisers are easy to do and can add up to big money for our school. Please encourage family and friends to participate.
Meijer -Community Rewards
Meijer will donate a percentage of all purchases made with your Community Rewards card to Christ the King School (School ID 807318). Join in the store, on the internet or by mail. Sign up today and help support our school while you shop.
Target – Take Charge of Education
Did you know there’s an easy way to help us raise money for our school? It’s called Take Charge of Education, and it’s helping our school right now.
Here’s how it works:
Visit Target.com or call 1-800-316-6142 to enroll and designate our school (Christ the King School ID : 8520), then use your REDcard (Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card) whenever you shop Target will donate up to 1% of your purchases to Christ the King School.
Office Max / Office Depot -Give Back to Schools
Do you shop at Office Max or Office Depot? Simply make a purchase of qualifying school supplies, provide Christ the King School ID: 70049461 at checkout and we will receive 5% back in credits for FREE supplies!
It’s a small act that can make a huge difference.